Hi Friends... I am continuing my blog from the Previous one- ODL education in India

I have heard a lot about online courses and degrees provided by many institutes

You know it is not safe, beware of online degree courses. As the website of KSOU for instance, offer online, correspondence and regular face to face program in its distance learning package. Even they knew the degree issued by them is not valid even the degree offered by the university would not be valid for employment as per the Indian Education System, but KSOU was offering such programs to keep up with international trends. who is right or wrong???? I don't know. But We have to think about that, A regular student is not worthy How can they hire an open student. This a serious issue.

IT'S a big question NOW??

Now another question arise... are Massive Online Open courses really the future? From my point of view, it can help in your studies but you can not take it separately and not in your PG level education. You have to first complete graduation from recognized university then you can do whatever you want but Graduation should be done by Good university as much as possible.

So I am closing my views here and if you are looking for Open and Distance Learning so think twice because you will find yourself in problem after sometime.. bye take care
have fun..
