Happy New Year 2019 >>
>> Website completed 5 years>> Completed One Lakh visitors on my website right now. We are working on this portal and it is getting recognition all over the world. This year will come up with New Hopes and New Learnings. Happy New Year 2019.
My daughter : Riya Gupta born & First Android App Release >>
>> My daughter, My world Riya Gupta born. I am so happy, she is cute and adorable. I am feeling completed like she is the motive of my life. My responsibilities just changed and I am looking forward, maybe someday she will join me as well.>> First Android app of Sourabhgupta.com is available for all. Now you just need to download App from my website. It is a beta version of the app. Till the end of this year, we will upload the full Android App for all genuine learners. Working on Phase 2 of my Android App.
SSL Certificate >>
>> Website is now entirely secure with all pages are connected to each other and certified with SSL.>> We have 500kb data now in our Database with more than 25 tables.
30000 Visitors >>
>> We have crossed 30000 visitors in this year>> Great achievement. Thanks all