compiler design

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Chapter 2 : Syntax Analyzer

Introduction of Syntax analyzer, Introduction of ambiguity in Compiler Design
16 February, 2016     
  • This chapter is devoted to parsing methods that are typically used in compilers.
  • The syntax of programming language constructs can be specified by CFG (Context free grammar)or BNF(Backus- Naur form) Notations.
  • A grammar gives a precise , yet easy -to - understand, syntactic specification of a programming language.
  • We have learnt how tokens generate in Lexical analyzer step.
  • In this step, we will learn how can we create a parse tree.
  •   Through parse tree a complier can understand the structure of program. how it will pass the string etc.
  • Parsing can be done by two methods and these two methods also have sub parts .
  • So start leaning now What is Syntax Analyzer?

  • In Top down Parsing , It will start from starting symbol and proceed to children.
  • In Bottom up parsing, it will start from children and will proceed to start symbol.
  • Its more powerful approach.
  • In TDP , it used Left recursion while deriving the string.
  • In TDP , when a variable contain more than one possibility it become difficult to choose the right production.
  • Derive a string with more than two parser called Ambiguous grammar.
  • Types of Top down parser:
  1. Recursive Decent parser(Backtracking)
  2. Non- recursive parser(LL(1))(No recursion) (Predictive Parsing)

Bottom Up parser divide into two parts(Shift Reduce parser) :

LR Parser:
  1. LR(0)
  2. SLR(1)
  3. CLR(1)
  4. LALR(1)
  1. Ambiguous or Unambiguous grammar

Sometimes an ambiguous can be written to eliminate the ambiguity.

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