compiler design

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Constructing LL(1) Parsing table

Constructing LL(1) Parsing table, Find first and Follow
9 March, 2016     
  • Constructing parsing table can be done by only FIRST and FOLLOW.
  • Always Use the value of FIRST and FOLLOW to complete the parsing table.
  • In this We have to use the algorithm to complete the table.
  • Add value under M[A,a] 
  • If there is empty set so move to FOLLOW value .

  • In this example as we have seen to find the value of E  is easy but when we move to E' it makes things little bit difficult.
  • E'->+TE' and empty set.
  •  We find + from +TE' and for empty set we move to FOLLOW.
  • Rest of the things is same.
Let see the live example of LL(1) parsing table
We have put all the correct values on the right place.

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